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Best world magazine Book Gone with the wind summary

The action of the novel Gone with the Wind takes place in Clayton County, Georgia Atlanta, United States of America during the American Civil War (1861-1865) and the Reconstruction Era (1865-1877) below. The novel takes place in the atmosphere created by the rebellion of the seven southern states, including Georgia, declaring secession from the United States (the "Union") and form the Confederate States of America ("Confederation") after Abraham Lincoln was elected President EXCESS vote of ten southern states where slavery was legal. Thus began the dispute that was to decide the fate of slaves of African origin representing labor on cotton plantations in South America and at the same time could become a source of cheap workers in the factories of the North. The story begins in April 1861 to "Country" O'Hara family plantation, a prosperous Irish immigrant family. Scarlett O'Hara, eldest daughter of Gerald and Ellen O'Hara, in the 16 years his was "not nice", but had a charm that was irresistible in the eyes of men, particularly when they proposed this. There was only one day until the outbreak of warfare.

The author introduces us gradually to charm the American South of the past history and traditions, making a brief description of each of the main characters that combine various traits inherited from ancestors: French style and sophistication, impeccable politeness English, Irish impetuosity and obstinacy.

Scarlett learns that one of his courtiers, Ashley will soon engaged his cousin, Melanie Hamilton. This news hurts her deeply and decide the next day, the Wilkes family picnic at "Twelve Oaks" Ashley confess his love for him, convinced that it is just a misunderstanding. Ashley recognizes that it is sensitive to the charm of Scarlett, but politely reject being aware that they could never make a happy couple because of their personality so different. Scarlett angry reaction from Ashley and has a burst of nerves in the library, while the remaining ladies do their siesta habit as in another wing of the house. After the departure of Ashley, get over Rhett Butler, a man with a questionable reputation. Rhett is alone in the library when there is conversation between Scarlett and Ashley, but the two did not realize his presence. Rhett Scarlett amused applauding for nonconformity and lack of manners in which it appears in dialogue with his beloved. Enraged and humiliated, Scarlett had Rhett's say "not worthy to shine his boots Ashley!"

Immediately afterwards is that it was declared war and men are eager to join. Ashley decided to take revenge for that rejected, Scarlett accepts marriage Melanie's brother, Charles Hamilton. Two weeks later căsătorsec after Charles leaves the front, where he died of measles, two months after the start of the war. Widow only sixteen, Scarlett gives birth to her first child, a boy named Wade Hampton Hamilton. As a widow, she is bound by tradition to dress in black and do not talk to young people, such as Scarlett is very depressed.

Melanie, who is in Atlanta with Aunt Pittypat, invites Scarlett to live with them. In Atlanta, Scarlett gradually regains its energy and is involved in work at the hospital where the wounded are cared for war and other organized volunteer action in support of the Confederate Army. Scarlett meets Rhett Butler again at a dancing party organized to raise funds to support the Confederacy. Rhett believes the war is a lost cause, but his business huge profits from it. In the evening, the men have to bid in order to dance with a lady or young lady and Rhett decides to bid "one hundred and fifty dollars - in GOLD 'to dance with Scarlett. Everyone is annoyed by his election as Scarlett is a widow, and the label does not allow this. Melanie comes to defend him generosity Rhett highlighting it and thus brought considerable support Confederate cause for fighting and her husband Ashley.

Christmas (1863), Ashley came on leave to see his wife. After several months besieged Atlanta (September 1864), and the population is increasingly frightened, while hundreds of wounded soldiers are appearing on city streets, many of them dying before the eyes of the doctors and nurses powerless. Melanie is pregnant but can not turn to any doctor to assist at the birth, everyone is busy caring for the wounded. In this chaos, Scarlett, left without any support, longs country after her mother's presence that he lacks in these difficult times. Finally, the Confederate army is forced to blow up ammunition depots in Atlanta and abandoned city in the hands of the Union army.

Melanie gives birth to a baby boy whose name is Beauregard, then Scarlett decides to flee the country at any cost. Call to Rhett, who begs her to take them, Wade, Melanie, Beau, and Prissy to Tara. Rhett is amused by the idea risky, but manages to get hold of an old wagon and an old horse that we all start from the Confederate army withdrawing from Atlanta.

On the way to Tara, Rhett changes his mind and goes to the front, leaving Scarlett alone. It finally comes to a home, but quickly realized how much things have changed: her father, Gerald, has lost his mind, her mother died, her sisters are sick with typhoid fever and slavery have disappeared. In their passage Yankees burned all cotton, and there's no food in the house a little.

Scarlett decides not to give in and start fighting to ensure tomorrow's exhausting for her and all those in her care. Deciding to farm to have something to feed them. Meanwhile Yankees are common attacks that rob and burn plantations. Every Confederate Army soldiers tired stop at Tara for a bit to eat and rest on their way home. At last, appears Ashley Wilkes, exhausted and emotionally destroyed by war just ended. Country life seems to gradually revert to normal until one day when a sudden tax increase threatens their safety again tomorrow.

Scarlett know a single person who has enough MONEY to help her pay the tax: Rhett Butler. Go to Atlanta to find, but is with amazement that Rhett is closed. Starting from the prison where he visited Rhett hoping he could still get some MONEY from him, Scarlett meets Frank Kennedy, her sister Suellen fiance, who has a small shop in Atlanta. Realized immediately that Frank has MONEY, so decide on the spot to convince him that Suellen changed his mind about getting married to him. In less than two weeks Scarlett manages to conquer and lead him to marry her. Wanting to see his wife happy, Frank gives away MONEY to pay tax in the country.

At one point, while Frank is forced to stay in bed because of a cold, Scarlett glanced records of the store and discover with surprise how many people buy the debt from her husband's shop. Terrified by the prospect of lack of MONEY and increasing taxes, decide to take over the business. It also makes a loan to buy a saw Rhett and staff DEALING with the timber trade, and thus attracting the disapproval of most citizens honorable in Atlanta. To the great joy of Frank, is soon to be pregnant, which makes its stop work for a while. Ashley leads him to come to Atlanta to take over the sawmill and also to be close to her again. At the insistence of Melanie, Ashley accepts. Melanie soon becomes judge and soul aristocratic society of Atlanta and Scarlett gives birth to a daughter which they call his name Ella Lorena, in memory of his mother.

In Georgia decreed martial law because of the numerous attacks and murders in the chaos left by the war and in the process of disintegration of a world and replacing them with new values ​​to the north. Scarlett has always Frank's gun as she saw the road to pass through areas of the city with a high crime rate. One evening, on the way home, Scarlett is accosted by two men who try to attack, but he ultimately escape with the help of Big Sam, one of the former slaves of the country. Frank tries to avenge his wife participated in a raid of the Ku Klux Klan, after which is shot dead. Scarlett is such a widow for the second time.

Gripped by fear and remorse, Scarlett and Rhett's confession. He takes the opportunity and proposes to her, telling her she "always wanted to have, in one way or another." Scarlett, however, said he does not love and does not want to remarry. However, following a passionate kiss of Rhett and while attracted to the safety afforded to the new marriage, agrees to marry him. Over a year, Scarlett and Rhett announces their engagement.

Forthcoming marriage news spreads rapidly in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Butler spend their honeymoon in New Orleans, spending wildly. Upon returning to Atlanta, the couple moves into a penthouse of a downtown HOTEL in Atlanta awaiting completion of construction of their new house. Scarlett wants a modern, similar to that seen in a magazine, wallpaper red, red carpets and thick black walnut furniture. Rhett consider horrible style, but accepts to love Scarlett. Shortly after the family moves into new home Butler, Scarlett announces furious that they have a child, which she personally did not want. Wade has seven years in 1869 when the world comes his sister, Eugenie Victoria, named after two queens. He has blue eyes like Gerald O'Hara and Melanie a nicknames "Bonnie Blue", referring to the Bonnie Blue flag of the Confederacy.

When Scarlett is recovering after birth, returns to the sawmill where he meets Ashley, who finds himself in office. During the conversation, concludes that loves Ashley and Rhett could be jealous, which gives him hope again. Returning home, Rhett Scarlett announces he does not want to have other children. Since then, Scarlett and Rhett have separate bedrooms and sleeps in a crib Bonnie's bedside Rhett, with the light on, because he is afraid of the dark. Rhett directs all the love and energy to Bonnie, takes care of her spoils and even change habits to not affect the reputation daughter later.

Melanie organized a surprise party at Ashley's birthday. Scarlett goes to the logs to retain there until the beginning of the party, a rare opportunity for her to be alone with Ashley. When he sees it, is suddenly feeling that he returned to time and again has sixteen, and Ashley also notes how beautiful remains despite attempts went through. Then remember the past with nostalgia and their world West and Scarlett's eyes fill with tears and Ashley a hug as a child to comfort her. At that moment, the door opens and India Wilkes, Ashley's sister not miss the opportunity to begin to spread rumors of adultery even before the start of the party, of course, rumors that reach the ears of Rhett and Melanie. In distinction to perfection, Melanie refuses to listen to any gossip linked his sister to whom he owes so much and asks India Wilkes to leave home, the risk of rupture in the family.

Rhett came home drunker than ever and asks Scarlett to drink with him. Wanting to hide his fear that generates him his condition, Scarlett agrees to have a drink and try then quickly retreat to her room. Rhett stops her and confesses that he is jealous of Ashley accusing Scarlett that daydreaming about her love for Ashley. He also said that he could be happy together, "because he loves her as it really is." After that, it goes into the bedroom where his arms spend a night of love.

The day Rhett leaves Atlanta with Bonnie and Prissy and lies just over three months. Scarlett misses him and is unsure of his love, knowing that his statement had been made drunk. Find out also that she had conceived again.

When Rhett returns home and learns that she's pregnant, a înterabă, sarcastic, if his son Ashley and notes that with luck, losing pregnancy. Hurt and offended, it is up to him, but Rhett is aside and she slips and falls down the stairs, breaking his ribs and losing some children. Rhett is remorseful, believing that he killed her, and goes to Melanie, which he confesses that he's jealous and really loves Scarlett. This leaves the country, to recover, taking them on Wade and Ella with her. When he returns, he sold his business Ashley. Rhett's attitude changed perceptibly, being more polite, courteous and seemingly uninterested.

In 1873, Bonnie is four years. Her father bought her a pony, which it calls "Mr. Butler". Learn to ride, then pay a boy to learn pony jump. Bonnie starts to spend a lot of time, jumping over obstacles, and someday, manages to convince her father to raise the bar above. Preparing to jump, it shouts "Mom, watch me take this one!" Repeating the words spoken by her grandfather before he died. Scarlett trying unsuccessfully to stop, but it bounces, pony Bonnie stumbles and falls out of the saddle and dies.

In the days and months ahead, Rhett is always drunk and disconsolate, but Scarlett suffering as much as he still manage to defeat their pain better. Not long after Melanie's unexpected death occurs, which causes him to leave Atlanta and Rhett to wander the world in search of quiet and serene dignity of old Southern. Meanwhile, Scarlett realizes that he loves Ashley long and he is actually in love with Rhett. Discover the pain that it went, but according to his character wants to not abandon hope and to recapture. Finally deciding to leave the country to regain energy and always consoled by the thought that "one day is tomorrow."

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